Gov. Polis was so desperate to take the MLB All-Star Game away from those Republicans down in Georgia, he assured Coloradans the COVID-19 pandemic would be over by the first pitch on July 13.
The Denver Post reports the event has been added to the list of outbreaks with 14 cases reported a week after the game.
Not wanting Denver or Polis to look irresponsible, the Post went on to blame explain:
While 14 cases isn’t insignificant, the All-Star Game isn’t one of the larger outbreaks currently considered active in Colorado.
The health department still lists last month’s Country Jam music festival in Mesa County as an active outbreak, with 23 staff and attendee cases.
The Post did not note any of the baseball players at the All-Stars game, but listed the country music stars who performed at the music festival, as if they had anything to do with it.
It’s not really a fair comparison, because the Western Slope event was held June 23, and after two weeks, a total of 16 cases had been reported.
That’s in a crowd of 24,000.
More than 49,000 attended the ballgame and only one week later 14 cases were reported.
Interestingly, the Denver Post reported on those preliminary numbers from the Music Jam a week before the ballgame, but it didn’t give Polis pause to call off the game, nor should it have.
Quite frankly, the number of cases from both events just don’t seem drastic at all considering the number of attendees.
But the media are determined to hype every virus number right now, without blaming Democrats.
The insinuation here being that the country music festival on the Western Slope where all those Republicans live was a super-spreader event, while the ballgame in Denver was just a little outbreak.
It would be really helpful if the media and politicians stopped hyping this issue wherein they constantly contradict themselves so the public could finally figure it all out for themselves.