News headlines this week on a new poll focused on Coloradans’ views of school mask mandates, but also included were questions on whether Critical Race Theory should be taught to students.
The Magellan Strategies poll included 516 parents of K-12 students in Colorado from Aug. 9 to 16, with a margin of error of 4.31%.
Among all parent, 45% oppose teaching Critical Race Theory in school while 37% support the concept.
This question was very split along party lines, with 71% of Democrats in support and 78% of Republicans opposed, according to the poll summary.
Independents sided mostly with Republicans, with 49% opposed and only 29% supporting the theory be taught in schools.
From the survey:
Approximately seven in ten parents are at least somewhat familiar with the concept of critical race theory (CRT), with 41% being very familiar and 30% being somewhat familiar.
Parents who were at least somewhat familiar with critical race theory were asked to define critical race theory, and the major themes from the definitions describe CRT as a tool for reexamining history using race, and the idea that racism is built into institutions. There were also many answers regarding left-wing propaganda and discrimination against white people, and the belief that CRT teaches even more hate.
This survey was paid for by Magellan Strategies, and no outside individuals or organizations played a role in question development or design, the polls said.