The Biden administration has officially jumped the shark of leftist radical extreme ideology with Tracy Stone-Manning now in charge of the Bureau of Land Management.
In a party line vote Thursday night, the U.S. Senate confirmed the 1990s eco-terrorist who testified against her tree spiking buddies in exchange for immunity.
So that means Colorado’s Democrat U.S. Sens. Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper voted to support the public lands vandal to a post responsible for protecting public lands.
The Colorado Republican Party issued a statement on the matter, because the media here seem to be oblivious to the fact that both men just confirmed a terrorist to run a government agency.
.@SenatorBennet is too extreme for Colorado’s families. He just voted to confirm a terrorist as the head of a federal agency. #copolitics
— Kristi Burton Brown (@ColoradoKbb) October 1, 2021
Bennet and Hickenlooper’s vote to support radical ecoterrorism, which holds its okay to kill people so long as you think it might help the environment, comes as both men responded with a wink and nod to the BLM’s decision to basically abandon the Grand Junction headquarters.
But for the time being, it’s probably just as well Stone-Manning stays as far away as possible from the western lands that Biden has turned her loose on to manage.
Tracy Stone Manning’s first job as head of Interior should be to organize a bunch of her aging ecoterrorist buddies to go remove 500 lbs of logging spikes from the Clearwater Forest. #mtpol
— Jeff Essmann (@EssmannJeff) October 1, 2021
@StoneManning it’s funny how you call Trump supporters home land terrorist. We ain’t the ones shoving spikes in tree’s hurting or killing logger’s trying to work to feed their family and work for their country
— Jason Merrifield (@JasonMerrifiel8) October 1, 2021