Democrats can’t keep their stories straight about who’s to blame for gas prices that skyrocketed right after President Biden took office.
The Biden administration is working overtime to convince Americans it was Russia’s fault for invading Ukraine.
However, gas prices were $2.36 a gallon when Biden first took office and hit $3.53 a gallon before the Feb. 24 invasion.
War breaking out in Europe did cause gas prices to spike an additional 57 cents, but to claim Biden’s anti-fossil fuel policies that target production in the U.S. doesn’t have anything to do with supply and demand is absurd.
Even more preposterous is Colorado U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette’s claims that U.S. energy companies are to blame as they struggle along with everyone else through this rotten economy to supply the market’s demand.
With Democrats in charge of Congress, DeGette has oversight over the nation’s fossil fuel industry.
But instead of figuring out how to make fuel more affordable and reduce inflation, DeGette is blaming the industry for struggling under the weight of Democrat efforts to run them out of business.
She chairs the House Energy and Commerce Oversight and Investigations subcommittee, and called a hearing last week of top industry leaders to demand answers why they can’t get around Democrats’ efforts to run them out of business.
We’re presuming she was sober when she said this:
“We will not sit back and allow the fossil fuel industry to take advantage of the American people and gouge them at the pump. We want to know what’s causing these record-high prices and what needs to be done to bring them down immediately.”
It would have been awesome if the executives just blamed Putin and demanded Democrats end the war in Ukraine, or held up a mirror to DeGette.
Meanwhile, the media is doing their part by running headlines like this:
Most Americans blame Vladimir Putin, oil companies for high gas prices
Only to report that Americans are also more likely to blame Democrats than Republicans for the gas increase.
Although the public appears open to Democratic arguments, they are more likely to place a “great deal” or a “good amount” of blame for the price increases on Democratic party policies (52%) and Biden (51%) than on Republican party policies (33%) and former President Donald Trump (24%). A strong majority of Americans (68%) also disapproves of the way Biden is handling gas prices. Not surprisingly, these assessments divide along party lines, with almost all Republicans (93%) disapproving compared to 41% of Democrats.
Nice try, DeGette, but Americans aren’t as stupid as Democrats were hoping.