The Denver Post union is back at the bargaining table and they’re asking for raises to offset the cost of inflation.

Represented by the Denver News Guild, Post reporters cited Colorado’s ever growing affordability crisis as justification for their request in a series of tweets this week.

Since the Denver Post is suddenly concerned about inflation, we hope they might dedicate some more time reporting on its underlying causes.

A large reason reporters and workers in the Denver metro area are experiencing pay cuts over the past year is because of rank incompetence from Congress and the Biden administration.

Economists hailing from across the political spectrum like Larry Summers and Jason Furman largely blame Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan signed into law in March of 2021 for overheating the economy.

Interestingly, the Post hasn’t reported much on warnings from the likes of Summers that the ARP would create an inflation crisis.

Far from it, Post editorial page editor Megan Schrader praised U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet and Biden’s plan as it was signed into law.

The union’s plea to their arch nemeses at Alden Global Capital is rich with irony.

Barely a year ago their union published a letter arguing the Denver Post perpetuated “systemic racism” through their hiring practices and coverage over the years.

The union called their owners at Alden shameful cowards for refusing to publish it.

We can’t wait to see how branding one’s bosses as racist vulture capitalist bourgeoisie plays out at the negotiating table.

On the plus side, the woke liberals at the Denver Post can take solace in the fact that inflation and higher prices means they will all have lower carbon footprints this year.