Gov. Polis is saving some of his own millions this election season by having the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) do his dirty work and negative campaigning for him.
Democrat governors gave $1.5 million to the super PAC Strong Colorado, which passed on nearly half of that to yet another group, the Colorado Information Network, now airing ads attacking Greg Lopez in the GOP gubernatorial primary.
That’s according to the Colorado Sun, which is chasing the money down the different rabbit holes to determine who is funding the Network’s $915,000 ad buys attacking Lopez on the issues of gay marriage, abortion, and Donald Trump.
From the article:
“Greg Lopez holds views that are too extreme and out-of-touch for Colorado,” DGA spokeswoman Christina Amestoy said. “Voters need to know what he believes in, what he would push on the state, and just how dangerous of a governor he could be.”
What’s extreme and out-of-touch, we would argue, are Democrats who think those issues are what worries Coloradans this election, rather than the rising price of gas, the inflated economy, and the struggle to pay rent and buy groceries.