Joe Biden is trying once again to shift the blame for rising gas prices, and this week offered a sweetener on top if we would all stop complaining about the high cost of getting to work everyday.
Biden asked states to suspend their gas taxes, but only through the election season, for which Gov. Polis praised his fellow Democrat.
Polis might think this a good idea for other states, but it turns out we are not one of those other states.
Polis spokesperson Conor Cahill told Axios Denver that the governor is “open to additional ways to save people money, including suspending gas fees and taxes, so long as the state legislature didn’t take the money from needed road repairs.”
In other words, Polis or the Democrats in charge of the legislature would have to call a special session to give us an estimated $42 million gas tax break.
So the answer is, crickets.
However, if Coloradans decide to reelect Polis in December, his spokesman said the boss might think about giving us peasants a tax break next year.
This isn’t leadership, they just don’t get it. Inflation is having a real impact on Coloradans. We don’t need discount Peloton bikes to peddle in place, we need real solutions to reduce inflation and help the middle class. I’m the only candidate in this race who has that plan.
— Tim Reichert (@TimReichertCO) June 23, 2022