The Colorado Times Recorder says they are totally okay with their reporter Heidi Beedle having led the antifa cell in Colorado Springs and inciting others to violence on their Twitter account.

That’s the state of far-left activist journalism these days.

Formerly known as Sean Beedle, the antifascist fetishist once taught English at Sandy Creek High School and was named teacher of the year. He/She was outed this week by antifa tracker Andy Ngo as the local cell leader.

Beedle’s antifa account was suspended Saturday by Twitter after Ngo exposed her confession on an alternative account she has since blocked.

In her confession, Beedle said:

“I think a big part of me gravitating toward antifa was a substitute for the rush and excitement of being in the army. Pretty much everything we did was influenced by small-unit tactics and ranger handbook stuff. It was fun to be part of a team and f*ck sh*t up again.”

“So I guess it is time to come clean. They are kinda right. You know what they say about broken clocks. I did start the @COSAntifa account, and the blog. I did my part to stem the rising tide of fascism, but I have been ‘retired’ for a while now.”

PeakNation™ will remember when the local antifa mob and Black Lives Matter armed with AR-15s invaded a Colorado Springs neighborhood in 2020 and harassed residents on their way to the home of a  police officer for a “peaceful protest.”


Harassing neighborhoods with guns is how the Colorado Springs antifa battled with rising tide of fascism.


We’re starting to wonder if Rainbow Warrior Bunny, pictured above, was actually Beedle.

We’re not a bit surprised the Times Recorder and fellow lefties are coming to the defense of this progressive who checks all the boxes of gender, furry, former school teacher who bragged about sharing porn with a student, activist journalist, and local antifa cell leader who urged followers to use violence.

She’s everything they dream about.


In its defense of Beedle, the Times Recorder touted her “record of excellent journalism,” which according to her bio includes coverage of nuclear disasters, of which we found no trace on Google. It’s also unclear whether she actually served in the Army, or just in the Rainbow Bunny brigade.

To no one’s surprise, the Colorado media is ignoring the story.