Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protestors crashed the weekend Denver pride parade that had already been hijacked by the Democrat Party and mainstream corporations, teacher unions and high school bands.

Boomers will recall the 50-year-old event used to be a day for gays to be out lout and proud with their friends and family turning out to support them. A homecoming parade of sorts, but with more queens.

Yet now the alphabet of identities has gone so mainstream, even the drag show on the main stage was less about burlesque and campy outrage and more about kowtowing with  political satire gags worse than Daily Show rejects.

The rainbow of love and acceptance was trampled by a stampede of Jew hatred as our malleable youth rained on the parade with chants calling for intifada — terrorism and violence against Jews worldwide.

The protestors heckled Democrat U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette as she rode through the parade, got into heated confrontations with numerous Pride participants, tried to provoke police, and eventually got onto the PrideFest main stage.

From the more gracious coverage of Colorado Public Radio:

Onstage, queer protesters spoke about the history of protest in the Pride movement and why that’s influenced their beliefs on a free Palestinian state and the history of protest in the Pride movement.

“Gay pride is founded upon gay power. And gay power is rooted in the struggle. Our respect, our dignity was not handed over voluntarily. We had to fight for it,” a protester who identified themself as Asa, told the crowd. “We had to fight for it against the forces of imperial power and hegemony against the forces of nationalism and Christian global domination. The same forces that hurt my people, that hurt gay people, hurt Palestinian people.”

So many sideways thoughts to unpack. It’s the Christians, not the Jews who are at war with Hamas? And it’s the Jews who are persecuting the gays?

The ignorance is just mind-blowing. The alphabet gang has more freedoms and protections in the U.S. and in Israel than Muslim countries. Yet so many — but not all — willfully surrendered their parade to the global protest de jour.