Freshman Democrat U.S. Rep. Brittany Pettersen tagged President Biden in an X post and asked him to surrender the party nomination he won because she doesn’t think he can beat Trump.

“With deep appreciation and love, please pass the torch. Read my statement here,” Pettersen wrote.

A member of Congress breaking up with their party’s presidential nominee in a social media post is the most millennial Colorado thing we’ve seen this century.

This is how low the Democrat Party has sunk — forcing out the American voters’ duly elected nominee when he losses one debate and poll numbers dip.

Screw you voters, says Pettersen and other Democrats including U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet.

We’re undoing all those state primary elections because we’re afraid of losing power!

Democrats are coming unhinged with Trump derangement syndrome, escalating a mean tweeter to Hitler-like status while whipping up outlandish lies as to what Trump would do if reelected.

Trump’s campaigning on getting the border under control, getting our economy back on track, and resecuring our energy resources.

Dems are acting like he can just burn the constitution, take away all their rights and use the military to round up Democrats into concentration camps where they’re forced to watch his rallies on a loop.

While insisting their cause is just to protect democracy, Democrats are doing their best to dismantle their own democratic methods of choosing a presidential nominee and taking away their voters’ decisions.

Sounds very authoritarian on their part.

Meanwhile, watching Democrats implode across every mainstream news network these past two weeks has been the best election season, ever.