A progressive lawmaker from Brighton dropped out of her toss-up reelection race Friday saying she could no longer serve in the toxic environment manifested by a Democrat-controlled state House.

Jennifer Parenti represents District 19 that includes portions of Boulder and Weld Counties and will finish her term that ends in January.

She ran unopposed in the June Democrat Party primary and was set to face Republican Dan Woong in the November General Election, whom she defeated in 2022.

Her replacement in that election will be chosen by … wait for it … a vacancy committee of Democrat Party insiders.

It’s the Democrat way. No need to involve voters in their brand of democracy.

Under the leadership of the most diverse group of Democrats in the history of the legislature, the State House is marred by personal agendas and special interests that soil the efforts of thoughtful discussions and ethical standards, Parenti said as she threw another log on the dumpster fire that has become the Democrat Party

“This work attracts people with great passions and ambitions, and the last two years we had the most diverse group of people and ideas the legislature has ever seen,” Parenti wrote. “I had hoped that we could seize this moment given to the legislature to usher in a new culture — one that supported its new and diverse voices, promoted thoughtful and intentional discussion, ensured every district had a seat at the table in drafting important legislation and above all else promoted ethical standards of behavior befitting our offices. Unfortunately, personal agendas and special interests are still being rewarded at the expense of our districts.”

The Colorado Sun pontificates that the loss of the seat to a Republican will make it harder for Dems to maintain their supermajority. And who are we to argue with that?

Giddy with their increasing power, Democrats were hoping to capture a supermajority in the state Senate in the upcoming election, which would give them veto power over the governor.

From The Sun:

Democrats have a 46-19 supermajority in the House. That means they can only afford to lose two seats to keep their two-thirds advantage in the chamber.

Parenti is the third Democrat to bail on the state House this session citing the culture of toxicity among their own party.