Democrat U.S. Rep. Yadira Caraveo in Colorado’s new 8th Congressional District must be really sweating her reelection campaign against Republican candidate Gabe Evans.

How else to explain why she sided with Republicans and voted in favor of a measure condemning Vice President Kamala Harris for the disastrous job she’s done as the nation’s “Border Czar?”

Politico reports Caraveo was one of only six Democrats who crossed party lines to back the resolution.

The vote comes as Democrats and their toadies in the media go on a history-scrubbing mission to insist the planet stop referring to Harris as President Biden’s “Border Czar” because it was never an official government title.

Duh, she’s the vice president. Harris was dubbed with that nickname after Biden made her his point person on addressing the border crisis when it first hit the fan three years ago.

Instead of “Border Czar,” the New York Times would have us call her that person who was “deputized by President Biden with the diplomatic mission of solving the ‘root causes’ of migration from countries like Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, tackling the issues that spur people to flee in the first place, like drug violence and lack of economic opportunity.”

Titles aside, Harris failed miserably with her mission to address the migrant crisis, and the U.S. grew another eight million in population under her watch.

From The Hill:

The GOP measure takes aim at Harris over her handling of the border, saying “it took Harris 93 days as the border czar before finally visiting the southern border on June 25, 2021.”

“President Biden’s and Border Czar Harris’s far left Democrat open border policies are to blame for this historic crisis,” the legislation argues.

It’s unclear why Caraveo would vote with Republicans and against Democrats in condemning the vice president for doing such a lousy job as the … person deputized to blah, blah, blah during the border crisis.

Especially since Caraveo has endorsed Harris for president.

She’s certainly not bragging about her vote on her social media pages.

Her poll numbers must really suck.