Police protecting the U.S. Capitol compound were attacked by violent protesters Wednesday as Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a fiery address to a joint session of Congress.

Yet this time, there’s been no outpouring of outrage by the Democrat lawmakers they protect, including Colorado’s Democrat delegation.

The answer is yes, the support of U.S. Rep. Jason Crow and his Democrat colleagues was limited to that one day of violent protests when they could blame Donald Trump.

Thousands protested with only 23 arrests Wednesday, including six protestors who made it all the way inside the gallery above the House floor where the prime minister spoke.

PeakNation™ will recall that gallery is where Crow hid from Jan. 6 protestors pounding on the chamber door who did not get inside.

The protestors blocked traffic and attempted to disrupt Netanyahu’s motorcade route. They were pepper sprayed when they turned violent and tried to push past police to rush inside the Capitol perimeter.

If only the police had utilized a similar perimeter to block Jan. 6 protesters from reaching the Capitol steps, But we digress.

The Washington Post reports on the Peaceful Protest™:

Outside Union Station, pro-Palestinian protesters set an American flag ablaze, along with an effigy of Netanyahu, and spray-painted the Christopher Columbus fountain and adjacent Liberty Bell reproduction with messages like “Free Gaza,” “All zionists are bastards,” and “Free Palestine.” Police appeared to hit some demonstrators with a chemical irritant at multiple points during the day.

The Post tried to make the protest sound valiant, romantic even. They forgot to mention protestors tagged the terrorist group “Hamas” on the statue and Liberty Bell replica as well.

Netanyahu called these so-called pro-Palestinian protestors “Iran’s useful idiots,” and he’s not wrong. Our youth are somehow becoming radicalized by U.S. foreign enemies and turned against their own country for violent means.