The difference between Venezuelan and U.S. voters; when the South Americans threaten to leave their country if a presidential candidate they oppose is elected, they act on it.

More than seven million Venezuelans have high-tailed it out of their homeland since socialist President Nicolás Maduro was installed more than a decade ago, with an estimated half million migrating to the U.S. through legal and illegal means.

So it was with some gusto that 4,000 Venezuelans held the largest election watch party, ever, along Havana Street in Aurora, overflowing a nearby shopping center parking lot.

Police monitored the mass gathering that disrupted businesses and prompted stores to close early, while social media lit up like a Christmas tree with reports of shots fired and numerous other complaints.

9News covered the massive pop-up party by mocking elected officials who expressed concerns and shared criticisms about the disruptions and the mess it caused.

Kyle Clark and Marshall Zelinger, self-appointed judge and jury, concluded that allegations of anything amiss were not valid unless they were provided video proof.

And how dare Mayor Coffman ask for an apology, the duo huffed.

And yet, the number one news publication for Hispanics in Colorado has called on Aurora officials to find and punish the instigators of the mass gathering.

Jesús Sánchez Meleán, the editor of El Comerio de Colorado, also said his fellow immigrants owes an apology to the community “known for its hospitality towards immigrants.”

He writes:

We are talking about a significant number of people—4,000. You can see the images. What happened resulted in multiple incidents, including reports from Target customers of thefts and the creation of panic in the area. Noise complaints, traffic disruptions, and the littering of broken bottles and excrement were widespread, with even the McDonald’s concessionaire reporting the use of their premises as a public restroom.

Meleán writes that the event was likely organized by a few irresponsible people, who did so without considering the risks to shoppers, drivers and emergency services, as well as the thousands who attended.

Ignorance of the law does not excuse them. Regulations exist, and they should have informed themselves about how to organize such an event. Other responsible Venezuelan groups held gatherings on the same day following all regulations.

He concluded that police should also reflect on their response to the situation and whether it could have been prevented.

We trust the Aurora police to act appropriately to avoid such incidents. If action is required, the community is ready to support and understand what needs to be done. We will continue to discuss this issue, but I leave it for your reflection.

For further reflection, here is the report from 9News.