After a last-minute order blocking a meeting and vote to oust state GOP chair Dave Williams, a Polis-appointed judge declared 11 days later that he had no jurisdiction to do so.

Oops. It was all just a misunderstanding.

With that next meeting and vote still weeks away, that means Williams’ little court stunt tied up Republicans and wasted their time for the month of August before a big election.

State party officials have done zip to get GOP candidates elected and hold back a Democrat super majority in the state legislature wherein Dems would have veto power over Gov. Polis.

And quite frankly, Republicans are better off without Williams’ help.

Now it’s up to the local party leaders that make up the 400 plus central committee to clean up Williams’ mess and install a new leader.

The meeting is expected to be held later this month in Brighton, instead of under a bridge in Bayfield.

The Colorado Sun, Colorado Politics, and Colorado Public Radio are all carrying the story today with the judge’s ruling that can be read here.