A sure sign on the Western Slope that a presidential race is looming — The Biden/Harris administration just remembered the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) “western headquarters” isn’t staffed as promised to signify a strong presence.

Only nine people were left working in the building after the Democrat administration undid all the work initiated by the Trump administration and former Interior Department Secretary Dave Bernhardt.

Their mission was to revitalize the Beltway bureaucratic culture with folks who live and work around the public lands managed by the feds, but city people freaked out and refused to work in real rural America.

So it was with great pride and puffed up chests that the agency has announced another 12 employees have been added to the agency at the western headquarters.

The agency promised 56 workers back in 2022, but that was before Democrats realized they were at real risk of losing the White House and so it never happened.

Now, they are promising to get the workforce up to at least 30 sometime after the November election.

Agency press secretary Brian Hires said in an email to the Daily Sentinel:

“The BLM remains committed to maintaining a strong presence in our Western Headquarters office in Grand Junction. We are moving forward to staff the office space to full capacity of 56 employees and base leadership positions in this office,” he said in an email.

Right. Western Slope residents aren’t holding their breath for those promises to be kept.

They’ll have better luck in another Trump administration.