House Speaker Mike Johnson will headline a fundraiser in Loveland Friday for the Republican challenger taking on freshman Democrat U.S. Rep. Yadira Caraveo in the new 8th Congressional District.

Gabe Evans is a conservative state representative who served combat duty in the Middle East in the army and fought wildfires here at home for the National Guard.

Republicans are banking on this race to help keep majority control of the U.S. House, where spending originates, and conservative discipline is needed to get a handle on excessive expenditures by Democrats that has led to an inflated economy and high prices.

“I’m honored to have Speaker Johnson come promote our campaign,” Evans told Colorado Politics in an emailed statement. “The stakes are high. Colorado’s 8th Congressional District is considered one of the most competitive in the nation and could decide the balance of power in the U.S. House.”

The event is hosted by former U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner and state Sen. Barb Kirkmeyer. Ticket prices start at $500.

Congress is on a month-long break, but it appears Caraveo has done zip as far as public campaigning or congressional work.

She is appearing Thursday with progressive U.S. Rep. Brittany Pettersen to host something called a consumer protection resource fair in Westminster, which is (checks map) not in Caraveo’s district.

Caraveo’s stealth campaign has her avoiding reporters, especially when President Biden’s reelection campaign was circling the drain.

The last time we saw Caraveo’s name in the headlines, she was voting with Republicans to condemn Vice President Harris last month for the open border mess.