There’s a new GOP leadership team in town and the first order of business is to stop referring to Dave Williams and his regime as “the Republican Party.”

The elected members of the state central committee are “the Republican Party” in Colorado, and they called a special meeting Saturday to vote on removing Williams, his vice chair, and secretary. All three were ousted by overwhelming majority votes.

Williams is refusing to acknowledge the 162-12 vote showing him the door, and he’s threatening to waste what little funds the party has left on yet another court fight in which he’s already wasted $10,000..

But this is not a matter for the courts — except to eventually force Williams to relinquish party property and what few funds are left in the party treasury.

The situation now is there are two Colorado Republican organizations until the National Republican Committee weighs in to recognize either the old regime of divide and conquer, or the new leadership team already dedicated to beating Democrats.

And that final decision is not likely to happen until after the November election unless Williams pisses off Trump, yet again.

But as a sign of things to come, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has already chosen the new leadership team for its commitment to winning races in November, instead of prolonging party fights that have raged nonstop since Williams and his team took charge last year.

The newly elected leadership team is Chairman Eli Bremer, a former El Paso County GOP chair, Britta Horn, former Routt County treasurer as vice chair, and former Mesa County GOP chair Kevin McCarney is now secretary.

Bremer wasted no time reaching out to Republican nominees who are essential to keeping control of the U.S. House to get the party on board with their campaigns.

An essential task Williams had completely abandoned.

Bremer also reached out to state Senate leaders to support candidates in those critical races to prevent Democrats from winning a veto-proof majority in the state legislature.

Meanwhile, Williams is threatening to bankrupt the party with lawfare, using the GOP treasury for his lawsuit vendettas, and complaining about it.

“That’s money that’s not going to House District 16. That’s money that’s not going to House District 18. That’s money that’s not going to various congressional seats that we need to win and maintain. These things are being done when we need to come together.”

Williams has proven repeatedly that he is incapable of doing the chief job of a state party chairman, and that is to win elections, not waste campaign funds on lawsuits to stay in power until his term ends in early 2025.

Williams has been missing in action since he lost his congressional race, which he allegedly siphoned off tens of thousands of dollars from the party treasury to pursue.

He has repeatedly misled Republicans, most recently in his response to the special meeting held Saturday, which he claimed the parliamentarian of the “Republican National Committee Parliamentarian Al Gage” ruled null and void.

But Gage is not the Republican National Committee Parliamentarian, Michael Whatley is.

Williams is holding another party meeting this weekend to rouse up his own personal base to waste more money on lawsuits.

Party members who have become more interested in fighting with fellow Republicans rather than beating Democrats in elections will likely stick with Williams.

Republicans who are interested in winning elections and taking Colorado back from absolute Democrat control are already flocking to the new leadership team.