Gov. Polis still has years left to serve before he is term-limited and yet it appears he’s already downshifting into the lame duck lane for the duration.

We’re not the only ones who are noticing.

Polis just started his second-year term last year and still has a way to go before he’s replaced (Hallelujah!) in January of 2027.

But his social media pages are getting goofier of late.

The governor should be focused on serious issues like the current special session he called this week to allegedly ease property tax burdens on home and property owners.

Yet where is Polis?

Parading around the state fair wearing a hat that looks like a Star Wars spaceship from the Old Republic.

And where was he when three shootings occurred within a block of each other in Denver a few weeks ago?

Following the governor’s misinformation tour at the Democrat National Convention, he attended the opening of a gaming center franchise at a Broomfield strip mall.

Residents are still trying to recover from inflated Bidenomics that has them paying more for housing, gas, groceries, and clothing, while homelessness, crime, and the burden of Kamala’s open border still weighs heavily on Colorado.

Some voters insist Polis has been on a taxpayer’s paid vacation ever since he was elected.

We are not inclined to argue with that evaluation.