A beltway establishment political forecaster just dropped some bad news on Colorado Democrats with new rankings that sink Adam Frisch’s chances of winning the Western Slope congressional seat from Republican candidate Jeff Hurd.

The Cook Political Report now ranks the 3rd Congressional District as the likely Republican win.

That’s a more solid forecast than Cook’s previous prediction the race just “leans Republican,” and follows the trend of other political pundits calling the seat for the GOP.

State Democrat Party Chairman Shad Murib really had his hopes set on winning that seat, which is now held by U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert.

PeakNation™ will recall Boebert came within about 600 votes of losing to the Aspen Democrat in the 2022 election. Boebert has since relocated to the other side of the state and is running in the 4th Congressional District.

Frisch campaign spokesman Andy Bixler told Colorado Politics the campaign welcomes the news but the campaign isn’t taking it for granted and continues to work for every vote.

“Western and southern Coloradans know Jeff will fight to secure the border, unleash Western Colorado energy production, and fight back against the Dems’ failed economic policies.”

The Aspenite’s Democrat campaign responded to the new ranking with mudslinging and ugly negativity. We’re not inclined to repeat it.

Even though Frisch has amassed millions in funding from wealthy Democrat donors, the Cook Report says cash isn’t king for the district Republicans who will turn out in droves to vote in the presidential race.

Erin Covey with Cook’s told Colorado Politics:

“Trump is poised to win this district by several points, and Democratic strategists acknowledge that Frisch’s financial advantage probably won’t be enough to defeat Hurd,” Covey said.

Wow. No wonder Frisch’s campaign staff is so bitter.