Republicans are determined to get vulnerable Democrats like Colorado U.S. Rep. Yadira Caraveo to take a stand on requiring proof of citizenship when registering to vote in federal elections.

A vote on the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act is expected this week in the House, and already President Biden has threatened to veto the measure.

Republicans attached the language to one of those perineal government shutdown bills to also get Democrats on the record of this critical election integrity issue before November.

It’s likely Democrats will just vote in lockstep with their leadership like they’re told and side with shutting down the government just to oppose citizenship voter ID requirements.

However, Caraveo and a handful of vulnerable Democrats did defect on a recent resolution that criticized Kamala Harris in her role as “border czar.”

Yet neither Caraveo nor anyone in Colorado’s Democrat delegation are debating or even acknowledging the upcoming vote on the election integrity bill.

U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper was busy playing with his weather ballon and touting his scientific creds — a college degree in geology.

It’s unclear whether Colorado’s secretary of state has ever conducted an election audit to confirm voters in our previous elections were all U.S. citizens.