A new ad calls out Democrat U.S. Rep. Yadira Caraveo for siding with liberal extremists and opposing border security policies to control the migrant crisis and stop the flow of deadly drugs including fentanyl.


“Partisan games won’t help Colorado families,” says the narrator.

“Now hospitals are overcrowded, police overwhelmed, schools overrun and families ravaged by fentanyl. Congresswoman Caraveo said she fixed things, but she’s only making things worse.”

The TV ad is paid for by the Congressional Leadership Fund, a House Republican PAC.

The incumbent is locked in a tight race with Republican state Rep. Rep. Gabe Evans in one of the most watched races in the country as Republicans fight to maintain control of the House.

Caraveo Campaign Manager Mary Alice Blackstock told Colorado Politics the ad would have little impact with District 8 voters.

She tried to flip the script and suggest Biden’s open border policies enforced through administrative action would have been reversed if Republicans had voted for a Senate bill that allowed millions of border crossers a year with unchecked asylum claims.

“Let’s be clear: It was Republicans who killed the most comprehensive, bipartisan border security and immigration reform package of the past decade for purely political reasons,” Blackstock said.

Please, allow us to be clear; that Senate bill would have codified into law Biden’s policy of allowing migrants with unproven asylum claims to have immediate access to the country.

Also, one single Republican vote in support of a Senate bill is by no means the definition of “bipartisan support.”

For the record, four Democrats also voted against the measure along with two independents that included Bernie Sanders. The lone Republican who voted for the bill was Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.