Secretary of State Jena Griswold went crying to Rolling Stone after Donald Trump’s rally in which he never mentioned her name claiming she required extra hospital security to give birth in August because his voters are so evil.

Following many dramatic paragraphs of her becoming aware of the police presence at a Front Range hospital — where police often are for regular police business — Griswold insists it was all for her protection.

“They don’t just put extended security coverage on you for no reason,” she says. “I suspected something was wrong.” While in the hospital, the Colorado secretary of state and her staff were initially informed by authorities that the boost in security was done to, in general terms, “make me more comfortable and accommodate my security requests,” she recalls. “It added a very real extra layer of stress… [and] concern about what was happening.”

What she’s saying is that she asked for the additional security, got it, and then the extra security caused her great stress. Capiche?

But wait, there’s more.

Griswold checked into the hospital on a Wednesday for a C-section birth and was discharged Sunday night. She claims her security was still increased when she returned home.

When she, her husband, and the new addition to their family arrived back at their home that evening, Griswold was drained and exhausted — but she “visually could see again that the security was increased at my residence, and at that point, I called and demanded to know what [was] going on,” the Colorado election official explains.


It was only then that Griswold was told that her security detail had been expanded because, “as I was being wheeled in to have this baby,” state and federal law enforcement officials were preparing to arrest a 45-year-old Colorado man, Teak Brockbank, for making violent threats against her and others. “I was a brand new mom and elsewhere in the state, this guy was being taken into custody for threatening to take my life.”

For the record, Brockbank was arrested hundreds of miles away in Cortez without incident on Aug. 23, a Friday. It’s not been reported what dates Griswold was in the hospital.

Brockbank allegedly made a series of online threats to election officials in Colorado and Arizona, plus a Colorado state judge, and federal law enforcement agents, according to the Justice Department.

The Justice Dept. press release did not even mention Griswold by name, but her office reached out to Western Slope media that same week to make sure Jena was named in their articles as one of those election officials.

The Rolling Stones article doesn’t reveal if all those other folks had extra security as well, or why Jena needed extra security for several days after the man was taken into custody.

The whole story smells of bullshit, and not just because Griswold has a reputation for this kind of bullshit.

Griswold also used the platform provided by Rolling Stone to complain again at length about all the nasty social media posts she gets along with alleged threats, then blasted Trump agains and trashed his supporters.

There’s a lesson to be learned in there somewhere.

We don’t condone threats of any kind. But it must be said if she just stuck to doing her job and left the nasty politics out of it, she wouldn’t bring so much negative attention to herself. Sure she has a First Amendment right to speak her mind, but shouting fire in a crowded theater is reckless and illegal.

We find it striking that the very people who insult, mock and ridicule Trump the loudest, are the same Democrats who whine when he slams them in return.

But as we noted, Trump did not mention Griswold during the Aurora rally.

Instead, he blamed Jared Polis for trying to kick him off the state ballot that led to Griswold’s Supreme Court fight, and at one point Trump called Polis “chicken shit.” Probably because Polis held a press conference before the rally condemning Trump.

We suspect Griswold couldn’t stand being ignored and used the Rolling Stones reporter to stir the political pot to bring more attention to herself.

She succeeded with this headline from the article:

Colorado’s Elections Chief Took on Trump. She Needed Extra Security As She Gave Birth

Jena Griswold, Colorado’s secretary of state, can say with certainty: “The MAGA threat environment follows us through every step of life”

Republicans have been accused of some pretty horrible things this election season, but threatening women as they’re in the hospital giving birth?

Griswold jumped the proverbial shark with this one.

Like a spoiled child, she craves the attention this article will bring her, and she doesn’t care if that attention is negative.