Kyle Clark over at 9News kicked off the new year with a bizarre new tactic to villainize Republican lawmakers.

Just hours after the new congressional session convened on Friday, Clark attacked newly elected U.S. Rep. Gabe Evans for “ducking questions” about a bill that doesn’t even exist.

Clark claimed Evans was asked if he supported “a bill that would strip federal funding from the state of Colorado over its immigration related policies.”

Like we said, no such bill exists, nor did Clark say which member of Congress is even thinking of targeting Colorado in such a manner.

Clark claims the bill is already teed up for a vote soon, and yet Trump won’t even be sworn in as president until later this month.

Then Clark goes on to claim Evans is lying about Colorado state laws that limit the cooperation between local law enforcement and federal immigration officers, which in fact it does.

What in the world prompted Clark to produce such a twisted report with Evans as an innocent bystander just so Clark could could ultimately claim loopholes in the state’s immigration law?

Probably to calm his own progressively liberal base, many of whom are mighty miffed that Aurora police cooperated with the feds to make arrests in that horrific December home invasion.

Read more about the leftwing outrage on their press release titled: “Outrage as Aurora Police joint operation with ICE Raids Community and Tears Families Apart in Aurora, CO.”

Here’s Clark’s report:

Clark says he asked Evans how stripping money from his district was a good idea. The video doesn’t reveal whether that’s what Evans was actually asked, but his answer is that American tax dollars should go to American taxpayers who follow the law.

It’s a stand-alone statement most reasonable Coloradans would agree with.

It’s no secret that Republicans have threatened for years to withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials.

But Clark’s pretense that any such bill has been drafted, filed for introduction, passed subcommittees and committees in the first few hours of the congressional session on Friday targeting Colorado in order to be teed up for a vote is blatantly fake news.

Evans deserves an apology for being used by 9News in such a manner.

That’s a great question, why didn’t Clark bothering asking those four Colorado Democrats why they voted in September against a real bill in to “ensure undocumented immigrants convicted of sex offenses are deported or deemed inadmissible to the country.”

That’s according to Newsweek, a legitimate establishment news source, which printed the names of the 158 Democrats who voted against the Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act.

From the report:

The bill would also deport or deem inadmissible to the country undocumented immigrants who have been convicted of, or admit to having committed, sex offenses, domestic violence, stalking, child abuse or violating a protection order.

As U.S. Rep. Joe Neguse contemplates a run to replace Jared Polis as governor, Coloradans would do well to remember that vote and not hit pieces by Clark about legislation that does not exist.

It’s truly disturbing that the progressive left and their friends in the media are so desperate to normalize unchecked immigration to provide cheap labor and new votes, that they don’t even care about the safety of their own families let alone their fellow Americans.