The establishment media was thrilled to report this week that Colorado school enrollment numbers are finally on the rebound, thanks to Biden’s border busting migrants who flocked to the Sanctuary City by the thousands.
The Denver Post kicked off the lead to their story like this, emphasis added:
The surge in immigrants arriving in Colorado last year softened the enrollment decline in the state’s public schools, which for years have been losing students — and funding — as birth rates fall across the nation.
It’s so weird they would single out birth rates at the beginning of their story as the primary cause of enrollment declining.
Especially since the Post’s graphic so hilariously shows the enrollment dip in Colorado schools coinciding with Jared Polis’s election and then Democrats taking control over the legislature to push through radical education policies into school districts statewide.
And then there’s COVID that exposed even more problems in the public school system prompting parents to move them into private or homeschooling.
The Post reports birth rates are expected to decline until 2028 or 2029, without explanation why.
But one might presume that an increase in a population that also leans Catholic, a religion that opposes abortion, might have something to do with it.
According to the state education department, here are the enrollment number changes this school year according to race:
Hispanic/Latino + 8,722
Two or more races + 1,237
Asian + 563
Black + 507
Pacific Islander + 137
Native American – 258
White -11,307
The number of homeschooled children rose 4.5% this school year to nearly 10,000.
Current stats for Colorado children enrolled in private school are hard to come by.
However, Axios Denver has this handy chart which shows enrollment in private schools was tanking, until Polis and the Democrats came along and then boom! Private schools were back in business!