President Biden warned in his farewell address this week that rich politicians are trying to take over the country and kill democracy.

“Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms, and a fair shot for everyone to get ahead,” Biden said.

Biden’s forceful warning made headlines across the nation but did not come as news to Colorado’s self-appointed King of all TV News Talking Heads, Kyle Clark.

Interestingly, Clark did not ask that question of any candidates running in the previous election, including millionaire Gov. Jared Polis.

True, Clark’s been warning us for years that Trump was a billionaire, even as he waved away Biden’s own success story of how he turned his public service job into a million-dollar estate for his family.

And Clark also missed the last four years of the Biden oligarchy of “extreme wealth, power and influence” that robbed us of our freedom of speech, shuttered small businesses from grocery to retail as Amazon thrived, and stripped away the livelihoods of those who didn’t believe a shot would prevent covid.

But now that a billionaire who has billionaire friends who has promised to undo all the harm caused by a millionaire who did the bidding of his billionaire buddies is in office, now we’re supposed to be scared?

Truth is, Americans are not afraid of wealthy or powerful people as a general rule. That is, after all, our American dream.

It’s only when they take our freedoms and our livelihoods that we get pissy about it and vote them out of office

If Clark were truly as concerned about the wealth of our politicians as he claims, he would have demanded the complete and full release of Polis’s tax returns years ago.