Aspenite Adam Frisch is a two-time loser when it comes to campaigning for Congress in Colorado, and now he’s taking that experience as a political failure and running for vice chairman of the national Democrat Party.
The jokes just write themselves.
It’s unclear what use the party has for Frisch’s experience in blowing nearly $23 million to lose to Lauren Boebert and Jeff Hurd in an increasingly blue state.
Because Kamala Harris already taught the Democrat Party how to waste hundreds of millions on concerts and other stupid campaign stunts to cost the party the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives.
Frisch is selling himself as a moderate with knowledge of what rural American voters want. And yet the one thing moderate voters in rural America made clear is they don’t want Democrats who can’t even spend their rich contributors’ money wisely.
Democrats are voting on new party leaders Feb. 1. Frisch is seeking one of three at-large vice chair positions on the Democrat National Committee.
Read about Frisch’s campaign for the spot in this Colorado Politics article, in which he boasts as his bona fides traversing the 3rd Congressional District for over 70,000 miles to campaign — and still lost.