There are two sides to every story, as the old saying goes. But that axiom is lost on today’s journalists whose sole mission is to advocate for leftist causes.

They’re outdoing themselves in Colorado this week with heart wrenching tales of the ICE detention of our most famous illegal immigrant who used a church to flout immigration officers with a deportation orders and now reportedly teaches others to do the same.

Her defiance of court orders and U.S. law has made her a folk hero. Time Magazine named her as one of their 100 most influential people in 2017 for being the test case of Obama’s law, which forbade federal agents from arresting criminal illegal aliens inside churches or schools.

She’s been in this country for decades ducking deportation orders that followed arrest and due process, then turned advocate to seemingly teach other illegal aliens how to skirt the law as well instead of pursing legal residency.

This week Jeanette Vizguerra-Ramirez was detained by immigration and faces deportation. Again.

She wasn’t arrested inside a church, not in her bed, but in an orderly manner without incident after she left her job at a Target store.

And now, her supporters in the media and the dozen or so protestors at the Aurora detention center are having a meltdown.

Her supporters claim she is being targeted for her beliefs. But in the U.S., we don’t prosecute thought crimes, only law-breaking activities. This post on X lays out the 16-year timeline of how she skirted immigration.

She has used the fame from her illegal status to start her own non-profit advocacy group to help other migrants in this country illegally remain here.

Meanwhile, Sanctuary City Mayor Johnston, who faces legal problems of his own for rewarding Biden’s border busters, is comparing the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws to assassinating dissidents in the former Soviet Union.

“This is not immigration enforcement intended to keep our country safe,” the mayor said in a news release. “This is Putin-style persecution of political dissidents. Jeanette Vizguerra is a mother of U.S. citizens. She works at Target. She’s the founder of a local nonprofit.”

No reporters bothered to ask Johnston if Denver helps fund her nonprofit.

Gov. Polis is also in on the sanctuary act demanding the federal government only deport border busters here illegally who are convicted, and presumably use up all their appeals, of certain violent crimes. That would exclude dealers of Fentanyl that results in the death of so many Coloradans.

Polis demanded the federal government give the state a “transparent accounting” of their operations and notify them about arrests. So the state can leak operations? Don’t hold your breath, governor.

Polis is also stomping his red sneakers demanding a cost and impact statement on the raids and detention of the other violent criminals he says it’s okay to deport.

Isn’t it funny how Democrats only demand fiscal responsibility when it’s for a policy they really oppose.

And while they pretend to only want the most violent of violent criminals deported, it’s only after they’ve remained in this country for decades exhausting court hearings, appeals, and emptying our wallets in the process.

Don’t believe us? Look no further than the District Court judge in D.C. this week who ordered planeloads of violent criminals and TdA gang members returned to these shores, and trying to make martyrs out of them as well.

The Democrats have been handing out our hard-earned dollars faster than we can earn it back, and the government can print. This country is headed for bankruptcy unless we get some order back in the immigration system Democrats purposely broke.