This face will utter any lie to get reelected.
PeakNation™, you might not remember it, but at one time Sen. Mark Udall uttered these words:
I’ve learned from being in the woods that titles don’t mean much and that actions speak a lot louder than words – even in Congress.
We’re betting right about now, Udall is wishing we would all forget he ever said such a thing. The latest edition of Udall’s reelection words not matching up with his six year record in the Senate come courtesy of a tweet he sent out today:
My record: fight for #CO small businesses. @CoryGardnerCO‘s record: fight for large corporations. https://t.co/3kPaVHZRfv #cosen #copolitics
— Mark Udall (@MarkUdall2014) July 24, 2014
Unfortunately for Udall, with him quickly becoming one of the most endangered incumbent Senators (move over Kay), all political eyes of the country have turned to him, and not a single BS claim will go unchallenged now. Hence, the quick response to this tweet by NFIB Action:
Really? Fact Check: @MarkUdall2014 has 23% lifetime voting record w/ NFIB on #smallbiz issues while @CoryGardnerCO has a perfect 100% #COSen
— NFIB Action (@NFIBAction) July 24, 2014
Who is NFIB Action? Only the political arm of the National Federation of Independent Businesses, otherwise known as “America’s leading small business association.”
Wow, a man claiming to be pro-small business getting a score of 23% by their largest association while his opponent, Rep. Cory Gardner has a perfect 100% with them… anyone else smell an ad being cooked up even right now as we speak that’s going to make Udall look utterly ridiculous quite quickly here? We by no means are experts, but we’ll guess at some of the words Coloradans will utter about Udall after seeing such an ad: phony, liar, insincere, dirty politician, scoundrel, and our personal favorite: fired.
Remember, according to Udall’s own words, we must judge him by his actions and not his words. Udall’s actions for small businesses show he is now nothing but a desperate politician who will say anything to save his political skin.