As campaign season revs up to full bore, it’s easy for political operatives from either side to be blinded by the feeling to always need to attack to lose sight of the entire battlefield. Colorado Leftie Laura Chapin made this classic mistake last night, as she thought a quick tweet could score her and her side some cheap points easily. Unfortunately for her, it opened up a whole other flank with which to attack Sen. Mark Udall.
The tweet:
.@MarkUdall2014 rappels a 13K’ peak, @corygardnerco visits his old frat house. Says it all right there. #copolitics #cosen
— Laura Chapin (@LauraChapin) August 28, 2014
Chapin’s attack is based off a story The Denver Post’s Lynn Bartels published earlier. Unfortunately for Chapin, it doesn’t appear she read all the way through the article as Rep. Cory Gardner’s visit to the “frat” he belonged to was more Boy Scouts of America than Animal House. As Bartels writes:
U.S. Senate candidate Cory Gardner got a celebrity welcome when he stopped by his old fraternity at Colorado State University…
Yes, Cory Gardner, the former ram handler at CSU, the former state lawmaker, the Republican congressman from Yuma trying to take down U.S. Sen. Mark Udall, a Democrat. The Cory Gardner who, while a college student was, get ready, a Democrat…
He graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in political science from CSU in 1997. He was a member of FarmHouse Fraternity, which is part Colorado State University’s sorority and fraternity system but without the Greek letters. In other words no hazing, secret handshakes or wild pledge parties.
According it its website, FarmHouse “follows four main aspects in building men throughout their time in college — spiritual, intellectual, social/moral and physical.” [the Peak’s emphasis]
To draw attention to such a positive Gardner piece was idiotic by Chapin. Which part did she think Colorado voters would most be disgusted by? That Gardner went to college in-state? That he was such a loyal Ram, he actually handled CSU’s mascot? That it’s really easy for him to work across the aisle because at one point he was sitting on the other side (before he came to his senses, ‘natch)? That Gardner’s such a good guy his “fraternity experience” has more in common with 4H than keg stands?
If that wasn’t bad enough, this gives us a fine excuse to turn a light on Udall’s own education experience. Spoiler alert PeakNation™, you won’t see Udall drop by his alma mater anytime soon when he has a few spare minutes to kill. Why’s that? It’s because the born-and-raised Arizonan went to a small, elitist college in Massachusetts, Williams College. Williams College is for those who think Harvard is too Plebian. Tuition, room, and board last year was a cool $61,000 for just one year. That’s more than the average Colorado family makes in a year.
It’s only after Udall matriculated at the uber-liberal Williams College for four years that he finally made it out to Colorado. We’re betting the closest Udall ever got to having an open mind and considering any side but his own was when he drove through Kansas on his way out to school. Just kidding, Senator’s sons don’t drive across the country.
So, from the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank Chapin for highlighting the collegiate difference between Colorado through-and-through Gardner, and Masshole Udall.
Cue up "Fortunate Son" by CCR.