The entire country was aghast at the brutality of a heinous crime committed in Longmont, Colorado in which a seven-month pregnant woman, Michelle Wilkins, was lured to a house via a Craigslist ad for baby clothes. Once she arrived, another woman attacked her, cutting her baby from her womb. The pregnant woman miraculously survived, but, sadly, the little girl she was carrying, Aurora, did not. The entire nation mourns for this family in the wake of this crime.
Communities across the country have rallied around this family. But, one man in Colorado inappropriately is using this horrific tragedy to advance a cause he believes in. Unfortunately, this man is Republican legislator, Gordon Klingenschmitt. To say the Peak is embarrassed is an understatement, and we believe we speak for most Republicans.
Klingenschmitt appeared on an online news show called Pray In Jesus Name and said the following:
“I wonder if there is prophetic significance to America today in that scripture. This is the curse of God upon America for our sin of not protecting innocent children in the womb — and part of that curse for our rebellion against God as a nation is that our pregnant women are ripped open.”
Not only is Klingenschmitt’s political opportunism here nauseating, it also absolves the beast who committed this crime of responsibility for her heinous actions. Let’s be perfectly clear. The only person who bears responsibility for this crime is the woman who committed it.
There is an appropriate time and place to fight for the principles that you believe in. This wasn’t the time and the place is never on the backs of victims. Rep. Klingenschmitt, you owe this family an apology. For those who truly want to show this family support, there is a Go Fund Me page dedicated to raising money to assist with Wilkins recovery and expenses.
I am embarrassed to have this jerk was my rep. We can do better
and WHY SHOULDN'T GOD JUDGE US???????MILLIONS upon MILLIONS OF BABIES SLAUGHTERED!!!!!! all so a woman does not have to loose her precious body shape, or she can just get rid of it like NOTHING happened and she did no wrong….I'm so sick of this murderous society, but there is no place better to go anymore…I think we are doomed.
To say we are embarrassed and disgusted is true. But what can or should be done? That is where we Republicans have to step up. At a minimum he has to be pulled off the Health, Insurance and Env. Cmte. He should be publicly called on to resign by El Paso GOP, House Minority Leader Brian DelGrosso and Chairman Steve House. We have to clean up our mess before it owns us in 2016.
Sadly this piece of work is my Representative. His comments and lack of response by the county party may be enough for me to leave the Republicans and go independent.
The pro-life movement agrees. His comments do NOT represent the pro-life people of Colorado.
He wasn't on "Right Wing Watch"…. it was on PIJN