Have Democrats shortsighted, Denver-centric, far-left environmental policies cost them support with Hispanics? That’s the logical conclusion one must reach after watching a video, featuring Denver Metro-centric Democratic Hispanic legislators Rep. Joe Salazar, Sen. Lucia Guzman, and Denver City Councilwomen Debbie Ortega, focused on saving the Colorado River. For all you geography flunkies out there, the Colorado River does not run through Denver. But, that doesn’t stop these electeds:
The group is Nuestro Rio and its raison d’etre is that 1/3 of the population in Colorado, California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Arizona is Hispanic. Nuestro Rio wants to save the Colorado River, presumably from ourselves, so the group is encouraging Hispanics to rally around this issue to turn Latinos into environmental voters. Or something. That will really help when the environmental ballot initiatives land in the states listed above, including Colorado, and Democrats need to turn those Latino voters out.
Plus, this sets the stage for a massive water grab, supported by Latinos down the line, in order to support the water diversion necessary for endangered species. This kind of campaigning is bizarre and unfortunately all too transparent.