What happens after a Snowmass Village councilman gets arrested for drinking and driving, calls a police officer names we can’t even print, then trashes his jail cell?
If you’re Chris Jacobson, you post a $1,000 bond and go back to work attending council meetings and pretending that nothing ever happened.
“My approach is to weather the storm and continue to bring my unvarnished opinions to the council,” Jacobson said about his decision to return to work for Monday’s council meeting.
According to Jacobson’s “unvarnished opinion” while intoxicated, the Pitkin County sheriff’s deputy who arrested him was a “f—ing c –t” for taking him to jail.
The sheriff says Jacobson should be held responsible for destroying public property, but that he’s still waiting on the district attorney to decide whether to press charges.
Jacobson allegedly peed on the floor, damaged lights in the isolation cell where he was being held and punched the wall several times … He also wrenched a restraining chair he was being held in out of the ground and yelled obscenities at the officers throughout the ordeal, the report says.
According to the arrest report, Jacobson refused a breathalyzer test, and fell over just two seconds after lifting his leg for a roadside sobriety test.
When placed under arrest, Jacobson asked if it was a joke. Well, it wasn’t a joke, and it’s not funny when a public official shows absolutely no regard for the law and trashes public property.
It also shouldn’t take District Attorney Sherry Caloia a week to determine if crimes have been committed. Clearly, they have. Or is getting off scott free just a perk of being a public official in Pitkin County?