In 2013, Brian Malone created a propaganda-filled film about the reforms that Douglas County School District implemented. If you liked that film, you’ll love the new hour-long rant against school reform that Malone created for 2015, “Education Inc”.
This time not only does the film rant against Douglas County reforms, but those in Jeffco and other school districts throughout the country. Several readers from PeakNation™ have written us to tell us that pro-union people are showing this several times in Jeffco where two of the school board member seats are up for election and three school board members are being recalled by the union.
Here’s the trailer:
Education Inc. Trailer from Fast Forward Films, LLCe on Vimeo.
Well this has sure backfired on you, hasn't it ColoradoPeakPolitics?
Also, do you have any proof that anyone in a union paid for this film? If so, please produce it. If not, I think you owe Mr. Malone an apology.
I'm not a teacher nor a union member and neither is anyone in my immediate or extended family. But I AM a parent, a citizen and a taxpayer and I think that "Education Inc." might be the very best film ever made about K-12 education.
I'm glad that we are FINALLY seeing the truth about the private interests who want to take control of our schools using our hard-earned tax dollars.
And, this is NOT a "liberal vs. conservative" issue; in fact, many on the right and left are coming together around this issue and recognizing it for what it is: Local Parent & Taxpayer Control of Public Schools vs. Federal and Corporate Control.
I can't understand why anyone, progressive or conservative or moderate would want anything else.
This film is on OUR side—meaning average citizens who don't want outsiders and Wall Street types imposing their will on us all so they can take $$$ from our schools and pocket it for themselves.
Thank you, Brian Malone, for a superb documentary—one that every American citizen needs to see for themselves!
You might want to read discussion of the importance of this film: Not sure if you can read someone who disagrees with you.
30,000+ COMMUNITY signatures says this recall effort was a community effort. A community recall!
We're pro kids and pro public education. This is something that is beyond the comprehension of the current DCSD Board drones and their supporters.
Brian and Cindy Malone are award winning film producers. Union? No. Just citizens concerned about the direction of public education.
Lol. This film and its creator have nothing to do with the union. By totally making stuff up you actually plugged the film