Lt. Governor Joe Garcia is leaving his position as Rising Sex Star to take the top job at the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education, The Denver Post reported. The organization, which is commonly pronounced “witchy” according to Wikipedia, describes itself as:
“WICHE and its 16 member states and territories work collaboratively to expand educational access and excellence for all citizens of the West. By promoting innovation, cooperation, resource sharing, and sound public policy, WICHE strengthens higher education’s contributions to the region’s social, economic, and civic life.”
While Garcia’s move is not unexpected because he has been considered over the years for a variety of positions, one has to wonder whether this is a signal that Hickenlooper (despite his desperate pleadings with Hillary Clinton) is not going anywhere and, specifically, is not going to be anyone’s vice president. See, the lieutenant governor in Colorado takes the governor’s role in the case of a vacancy.
Governor Hickenlooper must now find a replacement, and who Democrats select will be telling. If the person is a respected and legitimate leader, he or she is likely the person that the Democrats are setting up to be the next Governor. If the person is a lightweight, it could indicate that Democrats are holding the place for former U.S. Senator/Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar to step in and run – that is, if he is not tapped as Hillary’s running mate.