The Associated Press in D.C. reports that Gov. Hickenlooper is one of the final contestants to be Hillary’s veep pick, and was called to her residence Friday for a final interview.
We envision the questions were similar to a Miss America contest, and that Hick pledged to dedicate his reign to achieving world peace.
The other contenders are Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and HUD Secretary Julian Castro.
There’s no way Hillary will pick Warren, who is actually loved by the party base and would outshine the presidential contender at every turn. We suspect Warren is in line for the Secretary of State position in a Hillary (GASP!) administration.
Castro would be an interesting pick, putting Democrats’ money where their mouths are when it comes to courting the minority base. More than likely though, she will just take the Hispanic vote for granted like Democrats always do.
But there’s another potential pick lurking in the wings:
Warren and Hickenlooper were seen in separate cars departing the former secretary of state’s home Friday afternoon. It was unclear if other potential vice presidential candidates met with Clinton during the day. The meetings came a day after the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee campaigned alongside another potential vice presidential choice, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, in northern Virginia.
Kaine’s state would deliver more electoral votes than Colorado, and he’s a Beltway insider, which the Clintons always prefer.
So where does that leave Hick? Our money is that he won’t make the cut, and would be shuffled off to the Interior post, the only cabinet position that westerners are permitted to hold in Democratic administrations.
The veep interview was probably just a token effort, Clinton’s way of saying thank you to Hick, for stealing the Colorado vote from Bernie Sanders.