Gov. Hickenlooper made it into the final four, but word is he didn’t make the final cut and won’t be going to the big game with Hillary Clinton as her running mate.
Hillary is supposed to make her veep announcement Friday after the Republican convention ends, because Clintons always make big announcements on a Friday, though it’s usually about something they did wrong.
But we expect Hillary will step on Trump’s big speech tonight by leaking her choice to the media early.
We suspect Hillary’s pick will be U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, an eastern politician and Beltway insider.
Speculation still abounds that Hick is a shoo-in for a cabinet post, but we’ll never know for sure because that decision won’t be made unless she wins the White House.
The Denver Post speculates that Hickenlooper’s “quirky, independent style” was to blame for the “Dear John” letter Hillary apparently delivered to him in person last week.
The Post also mentioned this:
A survey of Colorado voters conducted this month by Harper Polling found that 42 percent of them would be less likely to vote for Clinton if she picked Hickenlooper.
We suspect what sealed the deal was that remark Hick made last fall about Clinton’s email controversy. What was it he said? Something about it being the “death knell” of her campaign?
If only Hick had had less faith in the FBI to actually prosecute Hillary, he might indeed be by her side when the Democrats take the convention stage next week.