For all their efforts posing as open minded and accepting of everyone, liberals are the worst offenders when it comes to ideological intolerance. And that intolerance was on full display this week when the popular Boulder restaurant The Sink wouldn’t let in Donald Trump Jr., even though they gushed all over Barak Obama during his visit in 2012.
The restaurant claims this was not politically motivated (uh, yeah right), saying on its Facebook page that Don Jr. was welcome but just not welcome to “hold a campaign event inside on such short notice and with no prior communication with the campaign.”
The problem with the restaurant’s statement is that it’s a complete distortion of the truth. The Trump campaign made a reservation for 50 people. They made it clear Don Jr. would be heading the event and even ordered pizzas for everyone. The Trump campaign provided emails to the Daily Camera that back up this version of the story.
So while The Sink wants everyone to think they don’t discriminate, we call B.S.
Boulder liberals are the most intolerant zealots out there. By contrast, a Trump campaign staffer took the high road. They chalked the whole thing up to a miscommunication instead of calling out The Sink owners for what they really are.