Radical liberal Morgan Carroll’s handlers are all touting the fact that Carroll had a good fundraising term as she relied on email blasts from failed Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. But does anyone care and does her fundraising signal that she’s “surging”? The answer to both questions is no.
The truth is that Morgan Carroll’s fundraising has trailed her opponent, Republican Mike Coffman, in nearly every cycle. For example, at the end of June, she reported $1.2 million in donations while Coffman reported $2.1 million.
And, really, the most important number in any of this is cash on hand. Coffman had a three-to-one cash on hand advantage as of the last report. Carroll is spending like a drunken sailor, which should come as no surprise given her liberal leanings.
And, oh yes, her liberal leanings. Where did all of this money come from? It came from a series of emails sent out to Bernie Sanders’ email list. That would be the “socialist Democrat” Bernie Sanders.
Carroll has repeatedly critiqued Coffman for his ties to Donald Trump even though Coffman has repeatedly denounced Trump’s actions. When will Carroll have to answer for her ties to the radical Sanders?