Having learned nothing from the state Supreme Court decision this year that struck down long-term fracking moratoriums and bans, the Boulder County Planning Commission wants the county to expand their moratorium past the November end date.
They say more time is needed to study a new study, and after that we suspect they will need time to study another study, and another, ad infinitum.
If Boulder County officials are so adamant to eliminate the production of fossil fuels, then maybe they should stop being such hypocrites about it and eliminate all fossil fuels from being used in their government functions.
Turn off the lights and heat in the commissioner chambers and every other government building. Stop using fuel in trucks and heavy equipment to maintain roads. Park the police cruisers and stop using gasoline. Eliminate garbage and recycling services and park those trucks.
Go ahead and put up some windmills and a few thousand acres of solar panels, that might at least provide some heat for homeless shelters during the winter, and provide a meeting place for planning commissioners.