Will Colorado become the next Florida after Election Day, with dozens of lawyers trucked in from Democrat and Republican camps to scour ballots for hanging chads?
Not exactly, because we don’t punch ballots, we mark and mail them.
But is our system foolproof, as Secretary of State Wayne Williams and the postal workers union has repeatedly assured us?
We’re not so certain after reading this, which shows how easily ballots can be changed after before its mailed, if voters change their mind or “mismarked” the ballot.
If you still have your mismarked mail-in ballot, there are two things you can do.
First, you can simply change your vote by clearly indicating what you intended it to be. “Cross out the vote you don’t want,” said Williams, “and circle one you did with a note: ‘I’m voting for this one,’ is what I might do to make it really clear.”
Visions of bipartisan election judges dance in our head.
We’re not preaccusing election workers of taking this opportunity to mark out votes for one candidate and write in a vote for another, but foolproof system, this most certainly is not.