When the concealed carry movement took off in America, anti-Second Amendment activists cried form the mountaintops that there would be “blood in the streets” if responsible gun owners were allowed to carry sidearms in public. Of course, that never materialized.
In the wake of violent predators targeting our schools, many reasonable people have suggested that teachers who are trained in the proper use of firearms be allowed to carry in the classroom. And, on cue, gun control advocates have dreamed up every nightmare scenario that would argue against allowing these teachers to actually protect the students that they have committed their professional lives to nurture. What active imaginations they have.
Now it looks like there is a crack in the dam. Just yesterday a small school district outside of Colorado Springs voted to become the second district in the state that will allow teachers to carry in the classroom. Hanover District 28’s board voted 3-2 on a proposal that would permit employees, on a volunteer basis, to receive specialized training and, then, be certified to carry firearms for the protection of students.
The district’s rural location makes it difficult for law enforcement to respond in a timely manner, and the district does not have an assigned school resource officer either.
The school district took a survey of students, staff, and community members ahead of yesterday’s vote. The results were very close, with 126 respondents in favor of the measure, and 123 opposed. The district published the complete results of the survey, including free text answers to questions (which we found very interesting), here.