For those of us who were not reassured by the EPA’s investigation of itself finding that no harm was done to the environment after it caused the Gold King Mine disaster, the EPA has done another investigation of its original investigation and finds they were correct all along.
No harm, no foul, say they.
The agency’s findings of its findings say 880,000 pounds of heavy metals were released, but there was no “long-term” impact on water quality. No mention of any short-term impacts on water quality.
No “reported” fish kills and aquatic life “does not appear” to have suffered short-term impacts, the Denver Post reports on the report of the report. No mention of long-term effects.
There was also no mention of who was at fault.
Pardon us if we’re not completely trusting in an agency’s own investigation of itself. It’s like asking a murder suspect to act as judge and jury at their own trial and determining they are not guilty because they say so.
Case closed? We hope not, and we urge the incoming Trump administration to take a more unbiased look and give us a final verdict.