Why didn’t Republicans come up with a plan to host town hall meetings for U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet when he was running for reelection, and broadcast their intent to use the event to mock and ridicule him before willing television cameras, then do it anyway when he didn’t show up?
Because the media and the public would never fall for it.
Wait, this just in from USA Today: Democratic activists led by Tara Morton are doing just that in Fort Collins, except their target is U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner.
The group doesn’t feel Gardner is paying enough attention to their concerns, Morton said. They acknowledge the event is political theater but say they invited Gardner himself or staff. The event will be structured like a town hall, with pointed questions, and plans to turn to Gardner’s record and previous statements to suss out how he might respond, she said.
So they are going to make up Gardner’s answers for him, it’s all just make believe.
Bonus for the Democrats, USA Today ran eight paragraphs about the sham before throwing in a couple of graphs about Gardner actually holding constituent gatherings in the state during the President’s Day recess — more events than his Democratic counterpart.
Alex Siciliano, a spokesperson for Gardner, said the senator has been using the in-state work period while Congress is in recess to hold meetings and roundtables focused on specific topics, such as small business growth and controlling health care costs. Gardner has also held telephone town halls with constituents in the state. People who call his offices can ask to be included on the tele-town hall lists when they happen in their districts.
His office did not respond to questions about if staff plans to attend the town hall Tuesday night. It is planning to hold a tele-town hall soon, with future plans to stream them online and allow constituents to sign-up online to participate.
Will the activists throw their own pretend town hall meets for Democrats? Of course not.
U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet and Rep. Jared Polis are planning to hold a tele-town hall sometime next month, and that’s good enough for Democrats.