File this under paid protesters. At a rally yesterday afternoon in Boulder, fractivist in chief Lauren Petrie of D.C.-based Food & Water Watch let it slip that Colorado fractivism is a national, not grassroots, effort – a claim that local fractivists have denied repeatedly. The admission was captured by Energy in Depth.
Here’s what Petrie told the crowd gathered on Boulder’s Pearl Street Mall in advance of a Boulder County Commissioner hearing:
“I’m Lauren Petrie and I’m with Food & Water Watch. Many of you might know our organization. …
“Over the past couple of years here in Colorado, we’ve been working at the local level with many partners as well as on the statewide ballot initiatives with a lot of groups here: Frack Free Colorado, Earth Guardians, 350, and so many others to pass bans and moratoriums on fracking across the state. …
“So the county commissioners need to do everything in their power to not work with the industry, but to protect our public health, our safety, and our environment from fracking now into the future. There’s just no room for it. Not in Boulder, not in the state of Colorado, not in the U.S., not anywhere else on the planet. …
“No matter what happens with this county commissioner’s meeting the fight is not over. The fight is not over until we ban fracking everywhere.”
The admission comes on the heels of leftists claiming over and over and over again that their efforts are purely homespun. Hint: They’re not. To be clear, we’re not suggesting that large scale national pushes on controversial issues are a bad thing. But we are suggesting that these environmental groups clean up their act and stop pretending to be something they’re not.