Despite pleas by local Indivisible chapters to appear as a grassroots movement (while protesting the Gorsuch vote), a recent video show that the leaders of Indivisible actually met with big money donors at a recent Democracy Alliance Donor Summit, co-chaired by Colorado’s own Colorado Democracy Alliance founder Pat Stryker. The two-minute video shows founders Leah Greenberg and Ezra Levin rubbing elbows with well-heeled Democrats in Washington, D.C.
From the NTK Network:
The video itself is not that exciting – it’s watching people mill about at a hotel bar, but what it shows is that Indivisible is now a key part of the Democratic infrastructure (as it always has been). Less grassroots, more grasstops, if they were actually being honest. The Indivisible folks also were on hand at the actual conference offering words of wisdom. Read the conference session description:
“The early days of the Trump administration are reaffirming our worst fears—that his presidency represents not just a victory for conservatism but an assault on the norms and institutions that sustain a vibrant democracy. Yet the early resistance to the Trump agenda has been swift, steadfast, and multifaceted, including mass mobilizations, citizen activism, and swift legal action from ethics watchdogs and state attorneys general. Join Democracy Alliance Senior Vice President Julie Kohler for a conversation with Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington Chair Norm Eisen, Indivisible Co-Founder Leah Greenberg, Color of Change Executive Director Rashad Robinson, Women’s March on Washington Organizer Linda Sarsour about the threats we face, the tools we must employ to oppose the Trump agenda, and how we can sustain a strong resistance that builds progressive political power over the long-term.”
Wow. Look at that. All of these not totally paid activists in a room talking about how to gin up resistance to Trump. Here are a few of the organizations they represent: Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, Indivisible, and the Women’s March. Several groups that claimed they weren’t paid, but clearly are. And, look, we are not begrudging these folks a paycheck. We are capitalists, after all. Just be honest about the fact that this is a paid effort, as we suspected the entire time.
So, when you see Tweets like this:
#weobject to Gorsuch @SenCoryGardner Not the right judge, NOT the right time. Do we SPELL. IT. OUT?
— Indivisible FRR (@indivisiblefrr) March 28, 2017
Just remember that they’re bought and paid for (as usual) by obscenely rich liberal activists like Pat Stryker.