It’s officially a trend, marching in the name of (insert cause) so national Democratic activists can hook up with local liberals to protest against Republicans, get their email addresses, and stage more protests in a pathetic effort to win the next election.
First there was the Women’s March, during which some wore vagina hats to protest they were being objectified by Republicans, namely Trump.
Then there was the tax day protest, when most Americans were upset at having to pay high taxes, all they care about is how much Trump pays. At least that time, the protestors were honest about the target.
We have the weekly protests demanding town meetings for Republicans only so they can hold more protests.
Then there was this weekend’s march for science that was pure political science to lobby lawmakers for EPA funding.
Then there was this weekend’s march for science that was pure political science to lobby lawmakers for EPA funding, writes Valerie Richardson of the Washington Times.
“This is about last November’s election,” said Denis Hayes, coordinator of the first Earth Day in 1970. “Did America somehow vote to melt the polar ice caps and kill the coral reefs and acidify the oceans? Did we vote to reduce the EPA’s research budget by a whopping 42 percent? Did we vote to defund safe drinking water by one third?”
It’s time for the rest of the media stop pretending these events are about anything other than Democratic politics. No wonder they are struggling with the label “fake news.”