This morning, the Colorado Education Association sent out a desperate missive to its members asking, no begging, them to call their legislators to oppose SB 61, a bipartisan piece of legislation, sponsored by Reps. Lang Sias (R) and Paul Rosenthal (D) as well as Sens. Owen Hill (R) and Angela Williams (D). The gist of this bill is that it would equalize mill levy funds across all public schools, including charter schools.
That’s why the union called it “outrageous.” See the email below – it even provides a script for teachers to follow.
It’s amazing that the teachers union has so blatantly opposed a bill that supports school choice and charter schools given its most recent national ad campaign to ensure a great public school, as charter schools are, in every zip code. Unfortunately, teachers unions have failed kids and charter schools have stepped in to fill the void in many zip codes, especially in zip codes with many at-risk students. Teachers should do what’s right for kids and fund charter schools equally, teachers union be damned.
The only thing outrageous about SB 61 is the Democrats who put teachers unions before kids.