We don’t blame Republicans for being a little cautious after last week’s shooting at the GOP congressional baseball team practice by a former Bernie Sanders volunteer.
U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton has moved his town hall to the telephone for a conference call with constituents on June 26.
“I think last week was a big wake-up call for members,” said Tipton spokeswoman Liz Payne. “I’m not sure if Capitol police have warned members against in-person town hall meetings, though. As of now we haven’t altered our plans for future meetings, but I think all offices are paying more attention to their security needs in the district.”
Before Democrats start accusing Tipton of using the tragic shooting to avoid town halls, we will remind in advance that Tipton has been holding public town halls this year, and even showed up at the faux town hall meeting staged by national Democratic activists in a failed attempt to shame him.
Democrats’ own Jared Polis used Reddit to announce his candidacy for governor last week, before the shooting.
It’s only wise that Republicans take extra precautions for now, until Democrats tone down their violent rhetoric.