The latest Democrat jumping into the primary race for state Senate District 32 has a criminal record, and he’s proud of it.
Glitter Bomber Peter Smith made his entrance into politics when he was arrested for “throwing a missile” at Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, and tells Colorado Politics that he is still driven by the same passions, but without the glitter.
Smith’s competition to take the seat being vacated by state Sen. Irene Aguilar of Denver because of term limiting includes Robert Rodriguez, Zach Neumann and Lance Wright.
Sounding the siren call of the entitled millennials, Smith says he should be elected because it’s his turn.
“I’m running mainly against a wealthy entrepreneur and an established party insider who is the son of an established party insider,” Smith said, referring to Neumann and Rodriguez, respectively. (Rodriguez is the son of Colorado Democratic Party Deputy 2nd Vice Chair Mannie Rodriguez, a former Democratic national committeeman for Colorado.)
“I think it’s time to turn the page and pass the torch and let a new generation take charge,” Smith added.
After his stint as a glitter bomber at age 20, Smith decided he should be a state Senator after working in the failed campaign of Morgan Carroll against Mike Coffman for Congress.